NewsNews in numbers: January/February 2022

News in numbers: January/February 2022

A breakdown of recent community health news, in numbers. Download the PDF, here

A study analysing 72,000 conceptions suggests that getting pregnant within a few months of an abortion or miscarriage is no riskier than waiting the WHO recommended six months. The research from Norway spanned 8 years from 2008 to 2016

3 in 10 single-parent households are missing meals because of rising food prices, compared with 1 in 7 of parents in couples and 1 in 7 of all those surveyed by Which?

Cancer death rates in Scotland are 74% higher in the most deprived populations than in the least deprived

There are around 4900 extra cancer cases due to deprivation, a study estimates: 13 extra new diagnoses a day that could be avoided

18ºC Maintaining home temperatures of 18⁰C or above should help to avoid many of the health risks associated with cold homes, says Public Health Wales. Household temperatures of 18⁰C or below are associated with negative effects, including those related to heart and lung health and sleep, although these can vary with vulnerability and age.

Their current advice is to set temperatures to 21°C in the living room (23°C for vulnerable people) and 18°C in other rooms for 9 hours (16 for the vulnerable) in every 24-hour period on weekdays


Brown I. (2022) Cancer Research UK report highlights stark cancer inequalities across Scotland. See: (accessed 29 November 2022).

Mind. (2022) Britain is struggling with its mental health ahead of a difficult winter. See: (accessed 29 November 2022).

Public Health Wales. (2022) What temperature should homes be heated to for health? See: (accessed 29 November 2022).

Roberts M. (2022) Pregnancy soon after miscarriage no more risky – study. See: (accessed 29 November 2022).

Sewraz R. (2022) Single parents most likely to skip meals during the cost of living crisis.
See: (accessed 29 November 2022).

Type 1 Diabetes Grand Challenge. (2022) New Scientific Advisory Panels. See: (accessed 29 November 2022).

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