TopicsImmunisation & IllnessNorthern Ireland: a focus on MMR

Northern Ireland: a focus on MMR

Campaign: Community pharmacies encourage people to get the MMR vaccine, Public health Agency

What are the main points?

> The campaign, currently running in community pharmacies till the end of July as part of the Living Well service, highlights the importance of getting the MMR vaccine in protecting against measles, mumps and rubella.

> Total laboratory confirmed cases of measles had reached 11 at the time of writing. Prior to 2024, the last confirmed case in Northern Ireland was in 2017.

> The Living Well service offers information and advice on public health issues in over 500 pharmacies in Northern
Ireland. As well as the PHA, it is delivered in partnership with, Community Pharmacy NI, and the Department of Health.

> The PHA is also urging parents to ensure their children are vaccinated against MMR before any holiday plans, as 17 popular destinations in Europe have seen dramatic rises in cases of measles.


Geraldine Mallon, PHA Immunisation Programme Manager said: ‘Measles is on the rise. It is highly infectious and can easily spread between unvaccinated people. If you are unsure if you or your child is up-to-date with vaccinations, the easiest way to check is to look at your child’s red book or speak to your GP practice.’

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