NewsUnite-CPHVA webinar: Prioritising early childhood to promote the nation's health, wellbeing, and...

Unite-CPHVA webinar: Prioritising early childhood to promote the nation’s health, wellbeing, and prosperity

Unite-CPHVA is inviting members to an online webinar on 4 July 2024 from 12pm to 1pm, with Professor Helen Minnis. There will be Q&As after the presentation.

Professor Minnis will be sharing the research report on the importance of the early years to health and wellbeing through childhood into adult life, and to the UK’s economic prosperity, which is not always recognised in policy development.

Professor Helen Minnis, Professor of child and adolescent psychiatry, University of Glasgow, says: ‘In the UK, our health is getting worse and there is a growing gap between the health and wellbeing of the richest and poorest people.

‘Health in the early years of childhood lays the foundations for mental and physical health throughout life. Healthy children are more likely to grow into healthy, productive adults.

‘In this presentation, I will talk about the Academy of Medical Sciences’ recent report on the health of children aged 0-5 years, including some information about what interventions have been shown to work well in this age-group, and some information about the gaps research still needs to fill.

‘I am keen to hear what health visitors see as the most important priorities for filling these gaps, and there will be time for discussion.’

Register in advance for this webinar by clicking here.

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