A breakdown of recent community health news, in numbers. Download the PDF, here.

A new £265,000 study led by the University of Stirling is seeking to understand how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected health visiting services across the UK, with a view to improving them in the future
The 18-month project will explore the changes that health visiting has experienced over the past two years and provide recommendations
55% of Brits surveyed feel their health has been negatively affected by the rising cost of living
64% of parents/guardians caring for at least one child under 18 said the cost of living crisis was having a fairly negative or very negative impact on their health
Of those who reported their health getting worse, 84% said it was due to increased heating costs; 78% said the rising cost of food and other bills; and 12% said the rising costs of treatment or care to support a long-term health condition.
More than 10,000 people with serious conditions are waiting more than one hour for an ambulance in Wales
3351 people who rang an ambulance and were designated amber in April had to wait more than four hours for it to arrive
Government statistics revealed 67.1% of amber ambulances took over an hour to reach their patient, while 344 people waited over 12 hours
Only 51% of responses to immediately life-threatening calls arrived within eight minutes, down from 61% in April 2021
RCP. (2022) Press release: Over half of Brits say their health has worsened due to rising cost of living. See: rcplondon.ac.uk/news/press-release-over-half-brits-say-their-health-has-worsened-due-rising-cost-living (accessed 28 June 2022).
RCPCH. (2022) RCPCH comments on polling showing cost of living crisis has made health worse. See: rcpch.ac.uk/news-events/news/rcpch-comments-polling-showing-cost-living-crisis-has-made-health-worse (accessed 28 June 2022).
University of Stirling. (2022) Health visiting study seeks to learn lessons from pandemic. See: stir.ac.uk/news/2022/june-2022-news/health-visiting-study-seeks-to-learn-lessons-from-pandemic/ (accessed 28 June 2022).
Welsh Conservatives. (2022) Scale of devastating ambulance waits across Wales revealed. See: conservatives.wales/news/scale-devastating-ambulance-waits-across-wales-revealed (accessed 28 June 2022).
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