As always, this year’s Unite-CPHVA Annual General Meeting(AGM) will be held a day before its Annual Professional Conference. The difference this year is that in addition to the virtual AGM (via Zoom), there will be an opportunity for you to attend in person.

Bristol is the chosen city for this year’s Unite-CPHVA Annual General Meeting (AGM) for members who wish to meet in person, and online via Zoom for those who can’t physically attend.
The AGM is an opportunity for members to influence Unite-CPHVA’s professional agenda. It will be held on October 26 between 13.30 and 16.30 a day before the Unite-CPHVA Annual Professional Conference, which takes place 27 to 28 October.
Book/register your place at the AGM now (more detail, conference booking at feature end).
The CPHVA executive committee is ultimately responsible for implementing successful motions, influencing and promoting the development of health visiting, school nursing, community nursing and community nursery nursing.
Aspects of this work are necessarily reactive, responding to changes in government policy, for example, but it also needs to be proactive. As a member, the AGM is your opportunity to influence the professional agenda of Unite-CPHVA, such as what resources should be developed for members, or what campaigns should be run for the benefit of members. To do this you need to submit a motion to be debated at the AGM (see below).
Members who attended the AGM last year will testify to the lively debate and hopefully members will feel more able to put forward motions that will ensure a productive event. The organisation looks forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the AGM, whether in person or virtually. This is an important meeting as it helps to shape our ongoing work.
Submit a motion
Motions can be submitted by any Unite-CPHVA branch or committee and must conform to the guidelines (see below).
Due to the extraordinary situation we have lived through over the last few years, there will have been significant difficulties in arranging branch meetings. You may need to consider discussing a possible motion with the chair of your branch and then sharing your proposal with other members to ensure support, rather than discussing it in a branch meeting.
The guidelines – how to write a motion
Motions should start with the words “This AGM…”, not the branch name that submitted the motion.
What is it you want to achieve?
Do you want to raise awareness amongst members? Produce information? Commit the organisation to run a campaign? Identify what you want to achieve and make this absolutely clear in your submission.
What has prompted the motion?
For example, members require information to enable them to practice effectively and safely; an issue is threatening the service offered; you feel Unite-CPHVA could do more to support your professional agenda. Make sure your reasoning for the motion is included.
Timescales and milestones
Include a timescale and milestones that are realistic. Members of the CPHVA Professional Executive Committee also have busy professional lives. The CPHVA Professional Executive Committee may choose to delegate the work or undertake it themselves. All motions agreed at the AGM will be reported on at next year’s AGM and will form the basis of the annual report.
Top tips
Keep motions succinct and to the point (200 words or less). Remember, it is not necessary to include all your arguments in the motion itself, these can be elaborated on when you present the motion.
All motions will need to be seconded. It is helpful if you can come to the meeting having identified someone from another branch who is willing to do this.
Example of a motion
‘This AGM notes with concern the significant rise in the incidence of self-harm in children and young people in the UK. In 2016, nearly 19,000 children and young people were treated in hospital in England and Wales after self-harming – a 14% increase since 2012.
School nurses are well placed to identify and support children at risk of self-harming, however, they often feel ill-equipped to support such children.’
This AGM calls upon the CPHVA Professional Executive Committee, by the date of the next AGM to:
- Produce a briefing paper for all practitioners working with young people regarding their role in identifying and supporting those who are at risk of self-harm, including reference to their professional duty with regards to confidentiality.
- Engage with appropriate organisations, such as the NSPCC, to raise awareness of the school nurses’ valuable role in identifying and supporting young people.’
How to submit a motion
Motions can be sent by email to [email protected]. If you need any help in preparing a motion, please do not hesitate to contact the CPHVA mailbox or Tracey Young: [email protected]
All motions should be received by Monday 10 October 2022. The AGM agenda will be shared on social media.
Registration is now live!
The Unite-CPHVA AGM will be held at Unite the Union South West Offices Tony Benn House in Bristol (same venue as the conference).
All members are entitled to be a delegate and participate in the debate by registering on Eventbrite:
The online meeting will be on Zoom and a joining link will be sent to you before the event, so please register with the email you will use on the day.
You can also now book for the Unite-CPHVA Annual Professional Conference. Early bird saving now on!
Image credit | Shutterstock