Survey: Main findings of year 6 oral health survey, Office for Health Improvement & Disparities
What are the main findings?
> 16% of year 6 school children have experience of tooth decay.
> In the most deprived areas, 23% of school children have experienced tooth decay, compared to just 10% in the least deprived.
> Tooth decay was significantly higher in Asian or Asian British (18%) and ‘other’ (22%) ethnic groups than in White (16%) and Black or Black British (13%) ethnic groups.
> Pupils living in Yorkshire and The Humber were more likely to have experienced tooth decay (23%) compared with children living in the South West (12%).
RCPCH Officer for Health Improvement Dr Helen Stewart said: ‘We can start by implementing supervised tooth brushing schemes… and ensure all children are seen by a dentist by the age of one … But if we are ever to make real sustainable change, then we must get serious about ending child poverty once and for all.’
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