Publication: Time to Talk Public Health, Public Health Wales

What are the main points?
> Two thirds of the public (65%) are unaware that pregnant women are eligible for the life-saving whooping cough vaccine (see page 40 for a clinical reminder).
> Rates of whooping cough vaccination uptake in pregnancy has fallen from 80% to 70% in the last year. Though rates of the 6-in-1 vaccine for infants, which protects against the disease, remain high.
> Pregnant women can protect their babies by receiving the highly effective vaccination, from 16 to (ideally) 32 weeks. The first routine immunisation for children is at eight weeks old.
> More positively, 56% of respondents are aware that pregnant women are eligible for flu vaccination, and 54% for Covid-19 vaccination.
Consultant epidemiologist and head of vaccine preventable disease programme Dr Chris Johnson said: ‘We urge all pregnant women and parents of babies and young children to ensure they take up their offer of vaccination when given, or to ask their GP, midwife or health visitor if they believe they may not have had it.’
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