Publication: For every child, every right, Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY)

What are the main points?
> NICCY have outlined a new four-year strategy to address breaches of children and young people’s (CYP) rights. The plan was created by collecting the views of CYPs, their parents and carers.
> The issues they considered most important and want NICCY to focus on include poverty, education, climate change and discrimination.
> The objectives include promoting the voice and participation of CYPs, monitoring and advising government on systemic barriers and issues that adversely affect CYPs, and challenging violations and breacher of CYP’s rights.
Commissioner Chris Quinn said: ‘We’ve had an incredibly busy few months listening to children tell us what they want us to work on and their views came through loud and clear. I’m happy to say I am already working on these priorities, with children and young people guiding our work every step of the way.’
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