TopicsFood & NutritionNorthern Ireland: health visitors work on public health priority - obesity prevention

Northern Ireland: health visitors work on public health priority – obesity prevention

The Public Health Agency (PHA) has officially launched HENRY – the early years obesity prevention programme – to help support families.

In Northern Ireland, 21% of children are overweight or obese by the time they start primary school, the PHA reveal.

The 8-week HENRY programme – which stands for Health, Exercise, Nutrition for the really young – provides health visiting teams and Sure Start staff with the knowledge and skills to tackle sensitive issues around being overweight or obese.

Trained facilitators across the five local health and social care trusts work with families either through a one-to-one programme or group-based sessions. Using a holistic approach, the programme focuses on parenting skills, family lifestyle habits, nutrition, physical activity and emotional wellbeing.

PHA director of public health, Dr Joanne McClean said: ‘Reducing the numbers of children living with overweight and obesity is a public health priority, given inequalities are widening, particularly in areas of deprivation.’

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