ResearchBabies treated for hypoglycemia suffer no adverse academic outcomes

Babies treated for hypoglycemia suffer no adverse academic outcomes

Babies born with and treated for low blood sugar are not likely to perform worse academically in mid-childhood, research suggests.

The research, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, examined the long-term consequences of a child’s brain development at nine to 10 years old – and found that no significant difference in academic outcomes between children screened and treated for hypoglycemia as newborns, and their peers.

Following 480 children born at risk of neonatal hypoglycemia, researchers assessed each child at age nine to 10 in five key areas: academic achievement, executive function, visual-motor function, psychosocial adaptation, and general health.

Professor Ben Thompson, a member of the research team, said: ‘It’s a big relief to know that babies who are born with and treated for a condition as common as hypoglycemia are not likely to suffer long-term brain damage.’ He added that rich pre-school and school experiences may help a child’s brain improve academic abilities up to the developmental milestones of their peers.

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