Help shape your award-winning professional journal by joining the Community Practitioner editorial advisory board.

Would you like to help inform the content of Community Practitioner? Perhaps you’re able to share issues you face in your role – whether practice-based or academic – that will be relevant to other members. Perhaps you’re a student and have plenty of insight to offer help to others at a similar stage in their career. Maybe you have lots of contacts in the CP professions who you could ask to contribute to journal features.
Whatever the contribution you think you could bring, we want to hear from you! Some vacancies have opened up on our editorial advisory board (EAB), offering a fantastic opportunity to join us and be a part of the journal’s ongoing development.
EAB volunteers play a vital role for the journal as they help to reflect the membership’s views, provide expert professional advice and insight, and supply suitable contacts and moral support to the Community Practitioner editorial team.
We want the EAB to reflect the diverse membership of Unite- CPHVA – and that includes having people from various CP professions, including school nurses, health visitors and community nursery nurses, and from locations throughout the UK. It also means having a board that reflects the ethnic diversity of the Unite- CPHVA membership, with people at all stages of career development from students to senior lecturers and newly qualified CPs to managers.
Membership is open to all Unite-CPHVA members. For those who are not employees of Unite or its publisher, membership of the EAB lasts for a minimum of three years.
What would it involve?
1. Assisting in the general planning of future issues by:
- Attending three meetings each year (currently virtual)
- Bringing content ideas to each meeting
- Discussing the latest developments and how these could be reflected in the journal
- Providing expertise and guidance relevant to your clinical and geographic experience
2. Soliciting commentaries and opinion pieces for consideration for publication, or writing them directly when possible
3. Participating in the blind peer review of submitted manuscripts on an occasional basis
4. Ensuring key Unite-CPHVA messages are disseminated, and promoting the journal.
If you would like to apply to be a member of the Community Practitioner EAB, send your CV and a brief cover letter outlining why you would like to join, and what you feel you can bring to the board by 20 July 2022.
Applications will be considered as and when they come in and should be sent to the editor, Aviva Attias, at [email protected]
Feel free to send in any questions. We look forward to hearing from you!
Image credit | Shutterstock