Unite members at Cwm Taf Morgannwg Health Board (CTM) are taking industrial action in the face of ‘unsustainable’ demands.
Health visitors at CTM believe their job descriptions are outdated and do not accurately reflect their current role. CTM management have repeatedly denied their requests for updated job descriptions due to the fact it would likely result in a pay increase.
The 67 Unite members recorded a unanimous yes vote in favour of the action, which includes no unpaid overtime, no statistical reporting for the government and no covering for vacant caseloads. Action is planned to continue until late July and is the first time health visitors have taken action as a distinct group of workers in Wales.
Unite General Secretary Sharon Graham said:
‘Our health visitor members at CTM have seen a massive increase in the complexity of their caseloads. Chronic vacancy rates and increased demands means they are prevented from doing their jobs effectively.
‘Unite has a laser-like focus on the jobs, pay and conditions of its members and our health visitors will receive the union’s complete support.’
See the upcoming March/April issue Community Practitioner to hear about this action from Unite’s new national officer for health, Richard Munn.
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