Ekaterina Harrison, a lawyer and mother to neurodivergent children, brings a personal and professional perspective to her guide on Education, health and care plans (EHCPs).

Education, health and care plans (EHCPs) in England are important legal documents outlining a young person’s needs. They are issued for children and young people (up to the age of 25) who have special educational needs (SEN) and require special educational provision (SEP) which goes beyond the standard support available for their age group in mainstream settings…
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Ekaterina (Katya) Harrison is a finance lawyer at Katten Muchin Rosenman UK LLP and a volunteer at the charity SOS!SEN, through which she has developed her expertise in education law. She is an autistic woman and mother to three neurodivergent children.
Department for Education. (2017) Supporting pupils with medical conditions at school. See: gov.uk/government/publications/supporting-pupils-at-school-with-medical-conditions–3 (accessed 4 September 2024).
Harrison E. (2024) The EHCP Handbook: How to Make an Effective Education, Health and Care Plan – A guide for parents and carers. Pavilion Publishing and Media Ltd: 35-38.
NHS England. (2017) NHS Continuing Healthcare: Quick guide about personal health budgets and Integrated Personal Commissioning. See: england.nhs.uk/publication/nhs-continuing-healthcare-quick-guide-about-personal-health-budgets-and-integrated-personal-commissioning/ (accessed 4 September 2024).
Image | Ekaterina Harrison