HV Terri Wright shares her insights into accessing research careers within nursing, while highlighting the benefits of professional support and embracing the unexpected.

My nursing career began at Chesterfield Royal Hospital in Derbyshire in 2005. My cohort was the first student nurse intake there for 50 years. When I qualified in 2008, jobs were scarce and I was pleased to start work as a neonatal nurse at Jessop neonatal unit in Sheffield. Three years later, the government launched a ‘call to action’ plan to increase health visitors’ numbers (Department of Health, 2011). I gained a place on Sheffield Hallam University’s SCPHN course and have worked in the Sheffield 0-19 service ever since (11 years)…
Read the full article in the journal.

Terri Wright is a health visitor with Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust.
Department of Health. (2011) A Call to Action Health Visitor Implementation Plan: Summary Progress Report. See: assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5a7cc698ed915d682236279c/dh_131064.pdf (accessed 30 August 2024).
NHS Health Research Authority. (2022) Surviving Crying. See: hra.nhs.uk/planning-and-improving-research/application-summaries/research-summaries/surviving-crying/ (accessed 30 August 2024).
NIHR. (2024a) Your path in research. See: nihr.ac.uk/health-and-care-professionals/your-path-in-research/ (accessed 30 August 2024).
NIHR. (2024b) HEE-NIHR Integrated Clinical and Practitioner Academic Programme. See: nihr.ac.uk/explore-nihr/academy-programmes/hee-nihr-integrated-clinical-and-practitioner-academic-programme.html (accessed 30 August 2024).
Warwick Institute of Engagement. (2021) A quick guide to elevator pitches. See: warwick.ac.uk/wie/training/ug-students/skillsfestival-ug/practicalskills/elevatorpitches/ (accessed 30 August 2024).
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