NewsExperts call for ban on disposable vapes due to disproportionate use among...

Experts call for ban on disposable vapes due to disproportionate use among young people

Publication: Policy briefing: Vaping in young people, RCPCH

The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPH) responded in June to the Government’s request for evidence on youth vaping and has separately urged action on banning disposable vapes.

What are the main points?

  • Data shows that the number of children and young people using vapes is rising. The most frequently used device in 2023 for young people in the UK was a disposable vape at 69%, a significant increase from 7.7% in 2021.
  • Vapes aren’t risk free and their long-term impacts are unknown. There’s growing evidence that vapes are becoming a gateway product to nicotine addiction among young
    people and that young non-smokers who use vapes are more likely than non-users to smoke.
  • RCPCH recommendations to prevent uptake and protect young people from the harms of vaping include restricting marketing and banning disposable vapes.


RCPCH VP for policy and paediatric respiratory consultant

‘Youth vaping is fast becoming an epidemic among children, and I fear that if action is not taken, we will find ourselves sleep walking into a crisis. Westminster’s approach […] is out of step with even our closest neighbours, with countries such as Scotland, France, Germany, and Ireland all seriously considering a ban. It’s time to prioritise our children and our planet – it’s time to ban disposables.’

Image credit | Unsplash


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