Publication: Independent review of gender identity services for children and young people, The Cass Review

What are the main points?
> The Cass Review comes in response to concerns surrounding NHS Gender Identity Development Services (GIDS).
> In the foreword, report chair Dr Hilary Cass said there was ‘a lack of evidence on the long-term impact of taking hormones from an early age’ and that research has let young people down. She also called for equal standards of care.
> Several of the reviews recommendations would see children and young people referred to NHS gender services receiving holistic assessment, including screening for neurodevelopmental conditions.
> Other recommendations include expanding capacity for patients, further research into hormone treatment, and creating provision for people considering detransition.
> Referral rates have seen significant increases in the last five to 10 years, particularly from individuals assigned female at birth.
RCPCH president Professor Steve Turner said: ‘Rising demand for Gender Identity Services across the UK has led to significant waiting times for children with gender-related distress, leaving these young people particularly underserved and vulnerable. The needs of children and young people should be front and centre of how services are designed to care for them.’
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